
The Great Acting Blog: “What’s Great About Your Work?”

The Great Acting Blog: “What’s Great About Your Work?”

Actors are a peaceful oasis in the screaming cacophony that is the modern world.

We are living in a world where we’re constantly being harassed into bending to the will of others, where others want to control what we do – multinational superstores expect us to fit into their finely honed systems, they herd us like cattle, manipulate us with price. Then there are the street sales teams who get in our face, there are the anonymous payment protection insurance phone calls, and the internet spammers. Finding a serene moment to think about what we actually want to think about, is easier said than done.

That’s why actors are so important in our culture. We sit in an auditorium, along with some of our fellows, to get away from the maelstrom for a couple of hours – the lights go down, the lights come up, the journey begins, and if the actors are truthful and brave,  then they will renew our hope, paint portraits of beauty, entertain us, warm us, thrill us, inspire us, make us cry, show us the truth, we leave the auditorium with our wounds healed and a renewed commitment to this crazy, crazy world.  The actor doesn’t need to harass the viewer to listen – they want to hear what the actor has to say, and they love the actor for saying it – it’s the special, truthful interchange between actor and audience. And it is remarkable.

Whatever it is you do, hi-light some of the greatest aspects of your work, then write a blogpost about it.

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