
The Great Acting Blog: “The Disappointment Trade-Off”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Disappointment Trade-Off”

They say that most people are disappointment averse, that they’re more likely to choose the option with the guaranteed reward as oppose to the one which may offer a higher reward but contains some element of risk. The guaranteed reward ensures that we avoid that awful feeling of disappointment, while the gamble offers the possibility of being consumed by it. That’s most people.

Most people are not ambitious. Most people prefer the path of least resistance, the one that may not bring glory but is relatively disappointment-free. Ambitious people however, shoot for the option which potentially brings the highest reward and so they’re willing to take on the longer odds, they’re willing to front up to the feeling of disappointment that comes with the failure to get that reward. Ambitious people then, have a gambler’s streak, they must do otherwise they would not choose the riskier path, the one which is less under their control.

The level of ambition in acting varies from actor to actor. One thing is certain though: all actors meet with disappointment on a regular basis. Whether that’s failing to land the role or a production which doesn’t get funding, all actors are familiar with the feeling. The odds are stacked massively against each individual actor accomplishing their goals, but they are able to get themselves over that by reminding themselves of the higher goal they’re aiming for. For the actor, the alternative to not going for the higher thing is worse than the potential for disappointment it brings. Those who drop out of acting, are no longer willing to make that trade-off, and so settle for the safer life with lower level rewards.

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  • talya2312/ 16.09.2013Reply

    In order to be a good actor you have to take risks. What actor does not want to take risks?

    • James Devereaux actor/ 16.09.2013Reply

      well yes, that’s the point – people stop acting when they’re no longer to take chances.

  • cozy jazz music/ 09.10.2023Reply

    cozy jazz music

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