
The Great Acting Blog: “Quit Complaining, Focus On Being Brilliant”

The Great Acting Blog: “Quit Complaining, Focus On Being Brilliant”

You need to look at the beam in your own eye before
criticising others. Is your work brilliant? It better be if you’re
going to spend time moaning. In fact, it’s probably best if you
refrain from criticising others altogether and put all of that
energy into your work. Just because someone does things differently
to you, even eccentrically, doesn’t make it wrong. The rehearsal
space isn’t as pleasant as you would have liked? The other actor
isn’t playing the scene how you thought he would? Your costume isn’t
how you imagined it? So what? If any these things has spooked you,
ask yourself if you prepared correctly. Never lose focus on your
core reason for being in the room. When you are before an audience,
whether on stage or on screen, your performance is all that counts.
All that other stuff just melts away and is forgotten. Certainly
nobody else cares. Quit complaining, focus on being brilliant.



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