
The Great Acting Blog: “Are They So Worthless?”

The Great Acting Blog: “Are They So Worthless?”

Being an actor is about telling the truth, in fact, cultivating personal truth is what actors spend a lot of their time doing. Then we reach out, offering the best of ourselves and hope we hit the mark.  We do so with the best intentions but the results do not always reflect that. Sometimes our efforts are misunderstood. And get spat at.

When this happens, it should not capsize us or cause us to walk away from our commitments. If it did, then we would have to ask ourselves a question:

Are the things we’re working towards so worthless, that we can discard them so easily?

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  • talya2312/ 12.09.2013Reply

    I know that some of my efforts have been misunderstood. But you have to keep on going. Acting, in my opinion, is a lifetime of work and you have to keep working at your craft.

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