
The Great Acting Blog: “Will It Stop Raining In Summer”

The Great Acting Blog: “Will It Stop Raining In Summer”


Possible location for Will It Stop Raining In Summer



Will It Stop Raining In Summer will be our next short film. It’s a love triangle thriller, about Roger, who is having an affair with Beryl, but every-time they meet-up, Beryl’s husband, Maurice, shows up co-incidentally, apparently oblivious to his wife’s illicit trysts. The film came about when a jumble of images popped into my mind and I tried to make sense of them. The film owes something to those suburban British films from the ’50s and ’60s which would be on telly on those days when you were home sick from school. This is not an homage or even a reference however, I couldn’t tell you the names of these films, I can’t remember their plots or who was in them, it’s more a feeling that the images of these films absorbed themselves into my sub-conscious and now they have filtered back through my imagination to create something new. I could also hear the feint sound of another echo in Will It Stop Raining In Summer, and that is of benign middle class sitcoms, which were prevalent in the 1980s (I unknowingly lifted the name of Beryl from No Place Like Home, a sitcom which starred William Gaunt). I have no specific affection for such sitcoms or any real interest in the sitcom as a form, but again, they created images which have been locked in my sub-conscious for years, but which are now rattling their chains. So, Will It Stop Raining In Summer is my imagination’s regurgitation of these films and shows, giving them a new darkly ironic form.


And what of the acting then? Again, I will play opposite John Giles, and we are currently working on finding an actress to play Beryl. The script is full of characterization (ie – how the character does something, rather than what he does), for example; the character of Maurice, is a cuckold written in the style of a cuckold, bluff and amiable, and this, coupled with the context of the scenes, means that the actor never needs to show us that his character is a cuckold (which is how most modern acting is done: “hi, I’m a serial killer”), the script has already done that work, so the actor need only concentrate on doing the actions called forth in the scene. We will again be aiming for performances which are direct, simple, forceful, and truthful. Filming will begin over the next month, and I will post regularly about the film on here and on the Drifting Clouds Cinema blog. Finally, for me, I will once again be directing and acting in the film, and I will strive once again to perfect the process of switching between those two roles – I’m still too reliant on will power, but want to get it down to a science, and I will of course share my findings on this blog, in the form of a repeatable and transferable technique.


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