
The Great Acting Blog: “Create A Well Of Inspiration”

The Great Acting Blog: “Create A Well Of Inspiration”

“you have to protect the spark of connection that drove you to make the picture in the first place”  – Martin Scorsese

Of course Scorsese was referring to filmmaking, but this same point, of “protecting the spark of connection”, could apply to almost any art form. It’s especially pertinent to actors however.

For the actor, there are no external, physical accoutrements to his work: no cameras, no computers, no instruments, no paint, no pencil and paper, the actor only has himself. There are no outside materials that the actor can commit himself to, and thus validate his existence as an artist. For the actor, the commitment is internal, the commitment is to oneself. As a result, actors are particularly vulnerable to losing that connection to the spark which drives them. It can so easily die in the melee of everyday living.

The challenge then, is to not only keep the spark alive but to ensure that it fires powerfully and proudly. Much of this is to do with the actor creating a space within himself, to store the image(s) which compelled him to be an actor in the first place. Similarly, only doing work he is proud of will keep the actor’s spark alive, as will reminding himself of what he wants to achieve. This can be supplemented with a steady intake of content created by those who the actor admires. All this can become an internal well upon which the actor can draw inspiration.

In the end, keeping the spark alive, the connection, is a question of self-awareness, knowing when a dip into the well of inspiration is needed, and doing so.

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  • Tommie Grabiec/ 12.01.2014Reply

    So crucial that you nurture that deep well of magic and inspiration, it’s Your personal inner wealth which goes beyond any physical riches one may acquire as without this you are an empty shell!

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