
impossible problem, acting, actoors' life

Your Impossible Problem | The Great Acting Blog

You are confronted by a seemingly impossible problem.

Know this.

Your decision to become an actor means you are remarkable. Few possess the necessary drive to make such a decision in the first place. Fewer still possess the self-insight to see that they need to do creative work, and even fewer take action on their insight. But you did take action. You possessed the strength and the courage as well as the drive and the insight, and committed yourself to the life of an actor, the life of an artist.

In choosing this life,

you chose a life of meaning rather than one of expediency.

you chose to do work you believe in rather than work that made you feel secure.

you chose a life of mystery – a life that you must piece together from the clues that lie within your own experience, rather than a life of dulling routine.

you chose to confront your fears rather than living the lie of pretending they don’t exist.

you chose to live life with intensity.

and you chose to experience moments of pure exhilaration, moments that few others will ever know.


The problem you face is a problem you chose for yourself. And your power to overcome that problem lies in your beginning.


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