
Distracted Screening Series

Distracted Screening Series

Distracted | @Distractedfilm

We are currently piecing together a screening series for Distracted. Our plan is to take the film to major European cities and present it with a live Q & A afterwards. We did this with our last film and it proved to be very successful.

If you cannot find the cinema culture you want to see and participate  in, then you’ve got to create that culture yourself. This has been the driving idea of all that I do in acting and filmmaking.

And for me, cinema culture means theatrical presentation, on a big screen, in a darkened public space. Why? Because this is how cinema is meant to be, this is how it was originally, before we had televisions and lap-tops, before we had sluggish internet connections, and before we were distracted by the paraphernalia of home. And we know this is how it is meant to be, we feel it when we’re in the theatre. Watching pictures at home is lovely – I do it everyday – but the elegance of Antonioni’s L’Eclisse or the sensitivity of Kieslowski’s The Double Life Of Veronique cannot be fully grasped on anything other than a giant screen, and without distraction. In this environment a film is given it’s full expression, and consequently our engagement with it becomes rich and intense.

Naturally I will keep updated about Distracted’s screenings.


