
Top 10 Pipe-Smoking Filmmakers | Film List

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Pipes. They imply erudition, contemplation, concentration and quiet authority. They are a touch eccentric. It’s no surprise then, that many of cinema’s greatest filmmakers smoked them.

The list is in no particular order, and thanks to everyone who made suggestions.

Robert Bresson, quote, smoking a pipe, portrait

Robert Bresson. “Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen”. Thanks to Richie Abraham. Related reading: Filmmakers’ Filmmaking Manifesto.


Henri-Georges Clouzot. Nominated by @aalanester & @jhpcine.

Henri-Georges Clouzot. Nominated by @aalanester & @jhpcine.


Jean-Luc Godard. "The cinema substitutes for our gaze a world more in harmony with our desires". Suggested by @jhpcine and Richie Abraham.

Jean-Luc Godard. “The cinema substitutes for our gaze a world more in harmony with our desires”. Suggested by @jhpcine and Richie Abraham.


Jacques Tati. "I want the film to start when you leave the auditorium". Suggested by @dean_frey, @aalanester, @infinitebananas.

Jacques Tati. “I want the film to start when you leave the auditorium”. Suggested by @dean_frey, @aalanester, @infinitebananas.


Fritz Lang. "Each picture has some sort of rhythm which only the director can give it." Thanks to Richie Abraham.

Fritz Lang. “Each picture has some sort of rhythm which only the director can give it.” Thanks to Richie Abraham.


Claude Chabrol. "I love mirrors. They let one pass through the surface of things". Nominated by @lintlvieno, @fzlang, @ludikmajor.

Claude Chabrol. “I love mirrors. They let one pass through the surface of things”. Nominated by @lintlvieno, @fzlang, @ludikmajor.


Orson Welles. "I passionately hate the idea of being with it. I think an artist always has to be out of step with his time." Suggested by Alice Kavanagh, @fzlang and @GloriaBB2

Orson Welles. “I passionately hate the idea of being with it. I think an artist always has to be out of step with his time.” Suggested by Alice Kavanagh, @fzlang and @GloriaBB2


Yasujiro Ozu. "I can make fried tofu, boiled tofu, stuffed tofu. Cutlets & fancy stuff, that's for other directors". Nominated by @infinitebananas.

Yasujiro Ozu. “I can make fried tofu, boiled tofu, stuffed tofu. Cutlets & fancy stuff, that’s for other directors”. Nominated by @infinitebananas.


John Ford, filmmaker, Pipe, by a swimming pool, portrait

John Ford. “The main thing about directing is: photograph the peoples’ eyes”.
Thanks to @fzlang, @chelydros, @lintlvieno & @hobanpat for this one.


Henri Verneuil.

Henri Verneuil.


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