
The Paradox Of Creative Work | The Great Acting Blog

Your work gives you


Your work is your talent, your unique gift.

Doing your work means [slowly] becoming the person you always wanted to be.
Your work makes you tick.
It’s the one thing in your life you absolutely will not compromise on.

But your work also frightens you. It frightens you because it offers you so much, because it is so rich with possibility.

This fear may block your road and cause you to turn and look for something more ‘secure’, more routine, less inspiring. Or perhaps you find yourself obsessing over some minor problem in your personal life that may or may not manifest itself in the future, and you become blinded to everything else. Know that the so-called problem is just your fear making mischief, it’s just a distraction.

The next time you feel blocked from doing your creative work, remind yourself of all that it has already given you.


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A Lesson From John Malkovich In Bitter Wheat
I Know What To Do, So Why Don’t I Do It?
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