
The Great Acting Blog: “Why Do Actors Do It?”

The Great Acting Blog: “Why Do Actors Do It?”

From the outside, the life of an actor may not look too appetising, indeed, many former actors appear to have lacked the stomach for it – the continual struggle, the financial insecurity, the constant judgement, all seems to grind them down after a while. A lot of people think that being an actor is about trying to become famous. While acting is a career where becoming famous is not impossible, the reality is only a very tiny fraction reach this exalted status. The vast majority continue even though they know they are not going to become famous. In fact, those that thirst fame tend to drop away, it’s just not a sustaining factor.

So if the lifestyle is tough and fame unlikely, why do we continue? Because it makes life make sense. When analysing a script, we are happy and uncomplicated. The agitation of the ticking clock doesn’t exist in the rehearsal room, where we ensconce ourselves and give our all. When we are performing, we enjoy a sense of peace even when the contents of the scene are tumultuous.

This sense of true purpose is the real reason actors do it.


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