
The Great Acting Blog: “Why Actors Take A Break”

The Great Acting Blog: “Why Actors Take A Break”

It’s interesting to observe the number of people who go into acting then”take a break” for a few months, then come back, then take a break again and so on. The reasons for doing so are myriad, and we’ve all had periods where we need to just get away from it all. Indeed, developing the discipline, developing the day-to-day focus required for the artistic life is an art in itself. However, this need to leave the arena is created by a lack….

  • a lack of opportunities
  • a lack of energy
  • a lack of stimulating work
  • a lack of confidence
  • a lack of drive
  • a lack of grit
  • a lack of dedication
  • a lack of commitment
  • a lack of passion
  • a lack of hope
  • a lack of encouragement
  • a lack of mental strength
  • a lack of courage
  • a lack of love

There are those who stick at it, who work through the arid times, developing their craft, their mental strength, their connections, structuring their lives in such a way as to create a sustainable career. They work day-by-day, inching forward. They fight to obtain whatever they lack.

Everytime you “take a break”, you weaken further the foundations upon which your work is built. For those who remain steadfast, who create a structure strong enough to carry them, taking a break is not necessary, they have no need to escape the life. Pride and self-respect comes from riding through the storm. The take-a-breakers go and do something else for a while, and come back to the scene whenever the urge returns, whenever they feel it’safe. But how long will it be before they drift away again? How long will it be before they drift away permanently?

In any case, I know who has the best chance of achieving their goals.


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