
The Great Acting Blog: “Use Incremental Progress To Achieve Your Impossible Goals”

The Great Acting Blog: “Use Incremental Progress To Achieve Your Impossible Goals”

It may be that you’re in a position whereby you’re not going to achieve your big goals anytime soon. It may take years or even decades. Today, those goals may seem impossible to you, you may not be able to see a way through, it’s just too big of a leap for your mind to make, or perhaps you just don’t believe you can do it.

This state of affairs should not however, give you a reason to jettison your big goals.

Instead of focusing on the big stuff, focus on something doable instead, challenging but doable. Then once you’ve achieved that, raise the bar a little higher and go after the next goal. Keep going through this cycle of accomplishment and eventually you may find that your big goals come into view, they become within striking distance. Then you can go for it.

Don’t shun your big, impossible, inspiring goals. Use incremental progress to accomplish them.


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