
The Great Acting Blog: “There Are No Excuses”

The Great Acting Blog: “There Are No Excuses”

It’s never been a better time to be an individual creative artist.

Especially in the field of cinema, where digital technology and the internet has made it cheaper and easier to make work and find an audience. Yet, so few actors  take this route, chained as they are to the old ways: praying that an agent will like them, toadying to casting directors, happy to be churned through the casting process like a piece of meat, no power, no say, just another face in the crowd. Too many actors sit at home waiting for the phone to ring with an offer to do work that doesn’t even interest them. No wonder so many actors are unhappy, and many more quit.

Perhaps future generations will see things differently. They will not be indoctrinated into the thinking of industrial obedience. Making a movie and putting themselves in it will seem like the obvious and natural career decision. After all, why would you sit around hoping someone gives you something when you can go out and get it for yourself? They will look back at our generation with complete bamboozlement: why the heck did they just sit around with their fingers crossed? Couldn’t they see the opportunities which lay before them? Why did they choose not to take them? “What a tragic waste” they will say before turning their attention back toward their forthcoming production.

Time is precious. Use it wisely. Seize control, and you dictate the trajectory of your career. There are no excuses. The excuses have been removed.


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