
The Great Acting Blog: “The Serious Actor”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Serious Actor”

For someone who is serious about acting, honest examination of their work is at the heart of what they do. This is how they develop their work to the point of excellence. They make a start, assess what they’ve done, then make the necessary changes, repeating the process until they are satisfied. The harder it is for an actor to reach the point of satisfaction, the stronger his work will be.

The alternative is denial –  denial that your work could be anything other than perfect right off the bat. Denial that it could possibly need improving. This denial is yet another attempt to shield oneself from feelings of worthlessness – self-criticism would shatter the pretence of knowledge and dedication. The inability or unwillingness to compare what you were doing with what you were trying to do, to honestly examine your efforts and make improvements where necessary, is the mark of the unserious, for whom acting is, finally, little more than a pleasant diversion.

For the serious however, acting is an inferno.


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