
The Great Acting Blog: “The Future Is Bright For Acting”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Future Is Bright For Acting”

Martin Scorsese wrote an open letterĀ to his daughter recently on why the future of cinema “will be bright”. In one paragraph he writes….

“So why is the future so bright? Because for the very first time in the history of the art form, movies really can be made for very little money. This was unheard of when I was growing up, and extremely low budget movies have always been the exception rather than the rule. Now, itā€™s the reverse. You can get beautiful images with affordable cameras. You can record sound. You can edit and mix and color-correct at home. This has all come to pass.”

For actors too the paradigm has shifted. We can now affordably take full control of our careers by producing our own pictures. No longer powerless and demoralised, and there’s no longer any need to waste enormous amounts of time, energy and resources on chasing up work we don’t really want. Instead we can now create a situation where we can enjoy greater reward for our effort and do work that fulfils us.

The future is bright for filmmaking, it’s also bright for acting.


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