
The Great Acting Blog: “The Future Belongs To The Actor-Auteur”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Future Belongs To The Actor-Auteur”

It used to be common for actors to head their own companies. They would produce a play, and cast themselves in the lead role. Sir John Gielgud, at the age of 25, directed a production of King Lear, playing the title role himself.

At some point in the twentieth century, acting industrialised, actors became, in the main, employees, or people hoping to become employees. Even today, many actors believe that their work is only valid if they were granted permission from a stranger to do it.

Consider, that in 2014 many young people are producing their own music. The notion of “getting a record deal” is absurd to a lot of them, because they have the means of creating their music and they have the means of putting it before an audience. Eventually, the ones who are waiting to be picked will get left behind by the self-motivated innovators, by the independent thinkers.

The same will surely be true for actors. Someone who is 10 years old now, will be making and distributing their own pictures 10 years from now. They will look back at the older generations with bemusement at why they waited for someone to give them permission to do their work.

The future belongs to the actor-auteur.


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