
The Great Acting Blog: “The Effective Actor”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Effective Actor”

The effective actor is focussed on getting the results he wants. The effective actor has stated his goals clearly and simply to himself and has identified the essential tasks which, if done correctly, will help him to accomplish those goals.

The effective actor doesn’t mistake efficiency for effectiveness. Efficiency is about getting stuff done but that stuff may not be very important, or it’s done but without the desired result. Ideally, efficiency is a part of effectiveness, which means completing the essential tasks properly, and doing so using the appropriate amount of time and resources. Non-essential tasks still need to be undertaken of course, but these are placed further down on the list of priorities (or even used as a break from the more demanding work). This prioritising of essential tasks means that actions are in line with objectives, which is crucial for preventing overwhelm when juggling multiple projects or large ones – without prioritisation, the phrase “broken-down headless-chicken” springs to mind. No, the effective actor’s operation is streamlined, ensuring that every hour is spent progressing toward the completion of important goals.

In the end, it’s up to us whether we waste our time on trivial minutae,  such as hand writing names from one notebook into another, or whether we fix our lives on meaningful goals, allowing nothing to sway us in our pursuit of them.


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