
The Great Acting Blog: “The Actor’s Life Is A Ride To Be Enjoyed”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Actor’s Life Is A Ride To Be Enjoyed”

Actors who say that they’ll quit if their career is not at a certain point by a certain age, are  setting themselves up for a fall. Why? Because the actor is not fully in control of what happens in his career, and so he cannot guarantee for himself certain outcomes. The actor’s life is another truly creative act, in that we make a start on the journey even though we don’t know what will happen or where we’ll end up. That is in fact, part of the excitement of the life and partly why we chose it in the first place.

Naturally, it is useful to give ourselves certain timeframes within which to make certain accomplishments; it provides us with some sort of structure to work in and it focusses the mind. It’s important to stress however, that not achieving a goal within the original timeframe set, is not abject failure. It just means that you’re going to take longer than you anticipated to do it.

If though, the goal is not worth the time and the effort, then perhaps you made the wrong choices, perhaps you need to look again at what you really want. Otherwise, accept that you cannot control the outcomes, keep your head down, stick at it, keep beavering away and enjoy the ride.


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