
The Great Acting Blog: “Take That Next, Scary Step”

The Great Acting Blog: “Take That Next, Scary Step”

Acting is not a life where it’s all mapped out. It doesn’t have a clear command and reward structure like most regular jobs. There is no certainty year-to-year or even month-to-month. That’s why we must make a habit of facing up to the unknown. We don’t know what’s going to happen, in the life or in the work, so we have to take that next step forward regardless of our fear and our doubts and our ignorance – it’s the only way we can remove the blindfold. Taking that next, scary step, reveals our next set of actions, they are brought into focus, and we can proceed. Then once we have completed those new actions, the process is repeated, and we experience growth, progress and a sense of true accomplishment.

The moment when we refuse to take that next, scary step, is the moment when we stagnate and plateau.


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