
The Great Acting Blog: “Post Production Blues”

The Great Acting Blog: “Post Production Blues”

Post production blues, that time when something we have been working on for months has finally ended and we have to endure the emotional wrench of letting it go. There is that period of reflection, of looking back over the production, of questioning what we could’ve done better, of taking pride in what we did well. Then there is the stress of asking ourselves “what’s next?” before finding the strength to answer the question and taking action. For a period of time though, a sense of melancholy will linger, caused by a shift in our life, it fills the gap created by the absence of the production, created by that loss of emotional intensity. Over time though, that melancholy will too die away as we become pre-occupied by new challenges. The strength of the friendships we built up weakens. The production itself, will eventually become forgotten, filed away in the back of our memory somewhere. While it may not seem so at the time, the strength of our feeling for the production past, is in fact a good thing because it means we worked on something which mattered to us.



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