
The Great Acting Blog: “Our Secret Self”

The Great Acting Blog: “Our Secret Self”

Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.”  – Jean-Luc Godard

If, in your work, you’re trying to move people, if you’re trying to end their isolation by creating connection with them, trying to unite audience member with audience member by revealing some truth, remember that when you fail to achieve this, it is not because the audience is “bad”, but because you have mistaken the form for the substance. The act of stepping on stage or in front of camera and delivering competent, inoffensive work is not enough. Sure, you won’t make any enemies but you won’t create that meaningful connection either.  If however, you reach deep inside of yourself and pull out something dark and intense, even if you only feel it and cannot articulate what it is, you will create a deep connection to certain viewers –  you will, in essence, speak to their “most secret self” by expressing your own.

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