
The Great Acting Blog: “Never Allow Group Politics To Distract You From Your Work”

The Great Acting Blog: “Never Allow Group Politics To Distract You From Your Work”

Actors in the group with big mouths, actors who like to shoot their mouths off, are always the ones who fail to produce work of any value. They’re too busy politicking and are incapable of focussing fully on their work as a result.

For those who come to the production simply to do the best job they can, this politicking can be a source of frustration, and worse, it can become a distraction from their work. The key here is to not get drawn into the political games, they should refuse to allow the pettiness of it all to get to them. Instead, they should remain focussed on their work, they should remain committed to getting better and better at doing it, to achieving extraordinary results. This way, their work will raise them above the cacophony made by the noisy politickers.






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