
The Great Acting Blog: “Lets Give Ourselves A Pat On The Back”

The Great Acting Blog: “Lets Give Ourselves A Pat On The Back”

Sometimes we can get so caught up in the minutiae of day to day tasks that we can no longer see the woods from the trees. We get so wrapped up in the workload of getting a production off the ground or in the endless efforts to get work that it can seem as though we’re not going anywhere. The increments of our progress can be so small as to be imperceptible, it feels as though we are simply running on the spot.

But the truth is often very different.

It’s Friday. Let’s take a step back and acknowledge what we’ve done. Let’s look over the past six months or year or past five years and list all of those objectives which have been achieved. What we should see is not a chasing of our own tails, but a steady, inexorable advance towards ever greater accomplishment*.

Let’s take a moment and give ourselves a pat on the back for all our hard work, before we return to the grindstone.


*if not, then something needs to change.

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