
The Great Acting Blog: “Improve The Little One Percenters”

The Great Acting Blog: “Improve The Little One Percenters”


One time, I was on my way to an audition but I hadn’t provided myself with a drink for the journey. It was a hot day, I was riding the tube. I started feeling dizzy and decidedly nauseous, and I began to sweat heavily, so much so in fact, that the other passengers in the carriage occasionally stared at me with blank interest. When I got off the train, I dashed to the nearest shop to buy some water, and guzzled it hungrily. By the time I got to the audition however, I felt completely washed out.

It’s a lesson in proper planning. A tiny detail, like whether I would need to take a drink on my journey, fundamentally affected my performance in an important meeting.

I wonder how many of these little once percenters can be improved in our lives, and what sort of impact that improvement would have on our career trajectory?


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