
The Great Acting Blog: “Have A Strategic Vision For Your Work”

The Great Acting Blog: “Have A Strategic Vision For Your Work”

A strategy is the overall idea and vision for how to obtain your goals. Your ambition may be to become a great Shakespearean actor, and strategy for this may be to get into the Royal Shakespeare Company, work your way up the ladder and eventually play leading roles. Tactics are basically the day-to-day actions you take to make the strategy happen. A strategy keeps us on track because it helps us cope with pressure by giving our efforts a meaning and a purpose.

I actually think that a lack of strategy is a major factor in actors who quit. They often lack direction and end up just spinning their wheels or chasing their tail. They get too wrapped up in the moment, and too bogged down during rough periods, a bad day can be blown out of all proportion leading to rash decision-making. A strategic vision however, can be a map and a guide through difficult terrain, and it helps us make productive decisions for the long term, creating a sustainable career.

With a strategy in place, it is often useful to ask; “what I am doing right now to make it happen?”


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