
The Great Acting Blog: “The Mythology Of The Great Actor”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Mythology Of The Great Actor”

We become actors partly because of the mythology of our favourite actors, it inspired us, it intoxicated us. The stories told about them, their rise, their epic deeds, their important work, it awakened our belief. We wanted to emulate them, to be like them …. No. To be them, to go through the same process that they did, to have the same things said about us.

But of course, none of that is possible.

We’re different people, living in a different time, in a different era. The opportunities that were available to them, are slightly different to the opportunities available to us. We hear actors from a bygone era talk about how much harder it is now: more actors, less work. True, but these days there are more opportunities for individual actors to take control of their work.

The point is, we need to create our own story, the story of our time. We need to create our own mythology, we need to perform our own epic deeds. Then perhaps we could be the ones who inspire the next generation of actors. Wouldn’t that be something?

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