
The Great Acting Blog: “Give Everything”

The Great Acting Blog: “Give Everything”

“Give too much. Wear yourself out. Use it all up” – Marlon Brando

There are too many who only come to our ancient art in order to self-promote. There are too many who cannot even be bothered to grasp the basic tenets of craft. There are too many who not only fail to give anything of themselves, but do not realise that they are supposed to give.

Don’t add to that list.

Be dedicated. Be focused day-to-day. Refuse to flinch from sacrificing some of the things that make you comfortable, if it means making your work stronger. Fight to improve yourself everyday. That sort of discipline is hard at first, but it does get easier, and eventually it brings a sense of liberation and a sense of self-respect.

Remember that an ordinary effort, will not lead to extraordinary results. In the end, your actions will be determined by what what sort of contribution you want to make.


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