
The Great Acting Blog: “Focus On Those Who Are Moved By Your Work”

The Great Acting Blog: “Focus On Those Who Are Moved By Your Work”

Your work is not going to be for everybody. Your audition, your performance, your script, your film, your play, your blogpost, whatever it is, some people are going to reject it. They just don’t respond to your aesthetic, they just don’t connect with it, maybe they think it’s garbage even, or perhaps it’s just not for them. The point is, you can’t go through your career letting each negative response throw you into a state of flux. No. That way lies the padded cell. Further, these responses do not mean that you should throw it all away and do something else. No.

What’s important is that you keep improving, you keep getting better at what it is you do, and that you keep doing your work. Don’t focus on the occasional nay-sayer that you’ll inevitably encounter – focus on those who are moved by your work, on those who connect with it.




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