
The Great Acting Blog: “Exorcising A Wrong”

The Great Acting Blog: “Exorcising A Wrong”

Feel as though nobody ever helped you out? Then make sure you help somebody whenever you’re in a position to do so.

An associate was disloyal? Discard them, and choose loyalty whenever the opportunity for betrayal presents itself in the future.

If you get into a position where you yourself are auditioning actors, don’t treat them like pieces of meat. Handle each with the care and respect they deserve.

Spreading the things you hate is a habit of weak, second class minds. Yet we often see it – an individual moves up through the ranks after starting as a minion, and perpetuates the shabby behaviour that they had endured. The ex-actor who, bitter that they were never taken seriously or ever got the respect they think they deserved, spews forth contempt for their fellows who remained steadfast to the craft.

Do the opposite of spreading the things you hate, re-enforce and promote those things you love and believe in. Not only does it make like more pleasurable,  it’s the best way of exorcising a wrong.




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