
The Great Acting Blog: “Don’t Get Rid Of Your Provocative Qualities”

The Great Acting Blog: “Don’t Get Rid Of Your Provocative Qualities”

Many start out as interesting and provocative actors, but over time, the pressure to get work causes them to trim away their unique edges. They become a completely general, inoffensive actor, neutral and obedient. They do this because they think it removes reasons for them not to be liked, broaden their appeal and so help them get more work. For plenty of actors, this approach fits with their character and serves their needs, and of course there’s nothing wrong with that.

However, for those whose instinct is to keep their provocative and interesting qualities, I say follow that instinct, it is the instinct of an artist. Do not cut away those things that make you unique, don’t become a general actor. It may make you feel more comfortable in the short term, but it will leave you frustrated and unfulfilled in the long, alienated from your own work. Hold your nerve, trust yourself, cultivate those qualities that make you unique, make the personal sacrifices and be an artist.




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