
The Great Acting Blog: “Do Something Really Special”

The Great Acting Blog: “Do Something Really Special”

Give the craft of acting the respect it deserves.

Don’t just be another taker who shows up because they can walk and talk charmingly, and hope to get lucky.

Master a practical technique of acting which will hold up under pressure. Perfect your voice and diction. Don’t act like you’re doing us all a favour, bring something to the table. Consider how your work might impact those who see it. Teach yourself about the history of acting. Be committed, show-up day in and day out.

Yes there are more actors out there than ever before. And yes, it can seem overwhelming, as if the finer points are not worth bothering about  because nobody will notice in the cacophony. But the reverse is true: it’s an opportunity to do something really special in order to distinguish ourselves and delight the audience.


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