
The Great Acting Blog: “Continually Improve And Become An Artist”

The Great Acting Blog: “Continually Improve And Become An Artist”

It’s up to you to decide what you want to put into the world. Whether you want to just fit in, behave, go with the flow, do as your told, punch in and punch out, or whether you want to be an artist, dedicated, prolific, pushing yourself to ever greater heights of excellence. Being an artist means  striving not in order to please people but because you don’t want to cheat your work by giving it less than a full measure, because you don’t want your work to be little more than a trick that you wheel out on occasion, because you want to produce something meaningful, and because you know within yourself that if you don’t then you are betraying your art.

If you’re set on becoming an artist rather than an employee, it’s up to you to continually improve yourself, and so make your work stronger. If you do, eventually you reach a point of true independence of thought, of true confidence, a point where your belief in what you do is such that quitting is no longer an option, you have something worth fighting for, something that you are proud of and will not give away cheaply.

Continual improvement means habitual improvement, it causes our progress to snowball, and propels us towards being the artist we want to be.


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