
The Great Acting Blog: “Commit To The Work You Love”

The Great Acting Blog: “Commit To The Work You Love”

It’s frightening to commit to doing work we love. It’s much more comforting to come up with a bunch of excuses and only do work we don’t really care about or even work we hate. Committing to the work we love, raises the stakes for us, the cost of failure can be painful, and it makes us feel vulnerable because we are sending something out into the world  which we care about, and it can be poked and prodded and even [shock-horror!] criticised. All of this stokes our fear, and fear does funny things to our mind: the passion and energy for a project dissipates, our thoughts become trapped in a loop of potential problems, and we become locked within the limitations of our personality. And yes, all too often nothing gets done.

One route out of this scenario of course, is to shift our minds on to the ideas, actions and people that inspired the project in the first place. This gets us thinking correctly, and, consequently, everything moves forward. The important point however, is that this work of shifting focus never ends, we can so easily slip back into the frightened mindset if we don’t watch it.

Commit to doing the work you love, and ensure your mind is correctly focussed in order to get it done.


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