
The Great Acting Blog: “Choose Your Friends Wisely”

The Great Acting Blog: “Choose Your Friends Wisely”

Who you bring into your community matters. You cannot just bring in whoever the hell you want, because the community needs to be able to trust not only you, but the new person as well. A lack of trust in them can become a lack of trust in you.

Each individual works to serve the community, and in turn the community helps each individual to succeed – the resources and man power of the community are made available to him. And so everyone progresses.

If the community’s trust in you is eroded, then it may not be so forthcoming with it’s generosity and ardour. After all, nobody is going to strive to make successful somebody who they don’t trust. Lack of trust naturally causes us to hold back, to conceal and withdraw. Eventually we could be cut away from the group. Furthermore, if this lack of trust then spreads, the community will break down and eventually dissolve, and so everybody loses.

As the old saying goes, choose your friends wisely.


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