
The Great Acting Blog: “Bring A Unique Vision To The World”

The Great Acting Blog: “Bring A Unique Vision To The World”

“Make visible what, without you, might never have been seen.” – Robert Bresson

I’ve always loved that quote. It arouses the courage needed to pursue your own individual vision, to trust your own point of view. The tendency in our culture is to do what everyone else is doing, to mimic what’s popular. This has lead to a super-abundance of content, but a dearth of real creativity. We have a scarcity of truly individual visions.

Of course, to see something nobody else has seen requires you to look in the first place. To go with the general flow, is to wear blinkers. I believe that those who pursue their own path, do so because they are energised by the prospect of the journey. It is not that they are necessarily seeking concrete rewards for their effort, it’s more that they have a compulsion to see the world in new ways. It’s also about not being afraid to fail, to look without knowing exactly what you’re looking for, but to keep rummaging around until you find it. The envelop can be pushed a little further with each new discovery, so that the new is continually forthcoming; we make a start in order to continue, if we don’t start our work then we can’t continue with it and enjoy the fruits of doing so.

Most don’t pursue or express their own vision because they’re too frightened. They’re frightened of failure, they’re frightened of being criticised, of making a mistake, of not doing what everyone else is doing, of not fitting in, of having something personal to them rejected, and they’re too frightened to take responsibility.

Those who bring their individual visions to the world, do so because the possibility of a new revelation creates an excitement which drowns out their fear.


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