
The Great Acting Blog: “An Extraordinary Mechanism For Helping People”

The Great Acting Blog: “An Extraordinary Mechanism For Helping People”

Remember those times in rehearsal when you solved a complex problem the director couldn’t solve, and made that troublesome scene work? That feeling of breakthrough, seeing the weight physically lift from the director’s shoulders, is exhilarating. Why? Because we used our skills to help someone out in a meaningful way, we made an important contribution. And we overcame a tough challenge in order to help create something. We delivered something extra.

These moments are perhaps not as common as we would like them to be. However, we should strive to make them a regular thing and we can do this by creating an extraordinary mechanism for helping people. It’s about making the effort to truly understand who the people are you might want to help (for example,  people you may have an aesthetic affinity with) . This means defining the culture you are, and want to be, a part of, and supporting those who produce that culture. This specificity, this definition, will give direction and meaning to our efforts, and ensure that they are authentic.

So: identify who you want to help, create the extraordinary mechanism for helping them, and feel that exhilaration on a more regular basis.

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