
The Great Acting Blog: “Acting Is Rebelling”

The Great Acting Blog: “Acting Is Rebelling”

At source, our decision to be an actor is an act of rebellion. It is a show of dissatisfaction with, and an incomprehension of, the status quo. It is a striking-out, a desire to create our own order of things, to explore and express how we think it should be done, it is an attempt to resist the encroachment on our sense of freedom which day-to-day conformism brings.

Rebellion then, is the driving force of our work. It keeps us striving forward, asking difficult questions, it prevents us from becoming timid, from backing down, it gives purpose to our efforts. Our rebellious spirit however, can so easily be quieted by the day-to-day pressures of the actor’s life, but we must not allow it to be. Our spirit of rebellion must be preserved and nurtured at all costs.



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