
The Great Acting Blog: “A Culture Of Generosity And Creativity”

The Great Acting Blog: “A Culture Of Generosity And Creativity”

Those in the cast who play politics and try to drag the people around them down in order to puff themselves up, are despicable, but unfortunately they are real. They can be handled however, if prepared. The trick is not to let these situations divert you from your goal of giving a great performance, of serving the production, of contributing. Bad behaviour from other cast members can have a corrosive effect, namely that we question whether our good intentions are worth it, whether we shouldn’t just be looking out for number one, after all, behaving selfishly is comforting, it makes us feel secure, that we’re not being taken advantage of.  This temptation however, must be resisted at all costs. What of the other members of the group who are in the same as boat as you? Should you not set an example? There is always an opportunity to lead. There is always an opportunity to put your principles into practice when it matters, infact those principles only count in such instances.

Helping and sharing and serving the turn of the group creates an environment of generosity and creativity, while pettiness and selfishness and backbiting creates fear and mistrust.

It’s up to you to decide what sort of culture you want to create.


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