

Top 10 Cinema Chess

Follow @distractedfilm   Cary Grant in The Talk Of The Town (George Stevens, 1942). Suggested by @JHPCine. Henryk Baranowski & Wojciech Klata in Dekalog: 1 (Krzysytof Kieslowski, 1988). Thanks to @KafkaBoots. Alec Guinness in Carol Reed’s Our Man In Havana (1959). Nominated by @GloriaBB2. Juliet... Read More

Top 10 Actors-On-Trains-In-Cinema

Follow @DistractedFilm We had an extraordinary response to this list, with all sorts of titles having to be excluded from the final 10. These included; ย Bunuel’s That Obscure Object Of Desire, Powell And Pressburger’s A Canterbury Tale and Mel Brooks’ Young Frankenstein. Alain Delon in... Read More