INTERVIEWER That's ok, don't worry, we got it. So, y'know, in your own time, take it from the top please - great face. Silence as Tony prepares himself...
THE AUDITION A room. INTERVIEWER Hi Tony. TONY Hi. INTERVIEWER Thanks for coming in. TONY No problem. INTERVIEWER Please, take a seat. TONY (enters frame by sitting) Thanks. INTERVIEWER So, you got my email. TONY (showing some pages) Yes, thanks. ...
This week, I decided to do something different and publish a short film script I wrote. Why? Well largely because the script deals with something I've been wanting to write about, namely, how an actor can participate in his own downfall by being t...
One of the most demanding aspects of an actor's life is the constant need to improve, year by year, month by month, day by day, moment by moment. There is no let up – when one set of questions has been answered, a new set...
The test of an actor's dedication is often this: “how much shit can you eat?” And the measurement of the quantity of shit eaten, is the measurement of that actor's dedication, ie – the more shit you can eat the more dedicated you are. When...
The acting profession is hopelessly oversubscribed, and it seems the individual actor has little or no control over his ability to construct a body of work. The challenge for all actors is to make themselves heard amid the cacophony. However, the ...
I'm shooting this short on Monday, and I haven't directed in ages, so I hope the old magic is still there. The idea is a simple one: to explore the rythmn of the city, and more specifically how the city's rythmn is determined by the...
Once in a blue moon a performance comes along which is so excellent it forces me to completely re-examine what it is I'm doing in my own work, and Peter Mullan's in My Name Is Joe is one such performance. Mullan plays Joe Kavanagh, a...
Filmmaker and artist, Jesse Richards, offers the first critical response to Closure Of Catharsis. "First of all I’d like to note that I am not a critic in ANY sense, but I have been so inspired by this film by Rouzbeh Rashidi that I feel...
The clip is from the film version of Harold Pinter's The Caretaker, it's a play I've always longed to do. The work you do is a reflection of who you are, and they say we tend to employ people who are the same as us....