
The Great Acting Blog: “What Do You Stand For?”

The Great Acting Blog: “What Do You Stand For?”

What do you stand for? Or what do you want to stand for? And how do you come to stand for it?

When people look at you or your work, what does it mean to them? What do they associate with it?

When I look at someone like Jack Nicholson, I think of great acting, I think of someone who managed to maintain integrity in an increasingly commercial world (even in his lesser pictures he is committed and interesting and entertaining), I think of an actor who gained and maintained control over his career, I think of someone who brought a certain level of seriousness to his work. The reason I think this of him, is because of his body of work: he’s delivered many, great, rigorous, intense performances, consistently, in great pictures over a lot of years.

What you do repeatedly over a sustained period of time then, what you accomplish, determines what you stand for. If  you don’t care about what you stand for, it doesn’t matter what you do.

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