
The Great Acting Blog: “There Are Too Many Mediocre Actors”

The Great Acting Blog: “There Are Too Many Mediocre Actors”

It’s curious that so many actors seem to settle for mediocrity, and show no desire to strive for anything more. Few seem to work at their craft or demonstrate dedication.

What can be the reasons for this?

Perhaps they are simply not ambitious. Perhaps they only intend to flirt with the craft before moving on. Or perhaps they are simply deluding themselves, lacking the strength to accomplish anything really meaningful. Perhaps they are just not interested in it enough to make the effort. Or perhaps this mediocrity is a culture-wide phenomenon and is not just limited to acting – we have created an environment which rewards obedience and complicity, and that’s a very bad place for actors to be, leading to very bad acting.

Whatever the reasons are, it is puzzling. In a profession as overcrowded and competitive as acting, it is hugely important to deliver exceptional work. Or, even just doing for  it for yourself, to serve your muse, to gain  personal fulfilment.

I long to see truly exciting, bold work, work that really inspires and fascinates, but this happens all too rarely, and I usually have to reach into the archive to find it.  In our contemporary era, there are too many mediocre actors, and a dearth of true artists.


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