
The Great Acting Blog: “The Power Of Transformative Goals”

The Great Acting Blog: “The Power Of Transformative Goals”

When we are on the scent for a goal that we truly want to accomplish, that truly excites us, we become superhuman. We have masses of energy. Focus, self-discipline and motivation aren’t a problem, we can work longer hours and we’ll give more of ourselves without bitterness. This is usually the case when the goal in question has a potentially transformative effect on our lives.

When faced with an ordinary goal however, we tend to act accordingly, which is to say that we do not operate at our optimum and beyond, we make only an ordinary effort. With an ordinary goal, we are unlikely to get over tough obstacles, we’ll give up after one or two because we’re not driven to fight harder for it. With a transformative goal however, we’ll run through brick walls in order to get it done because the pay-off is worth it.

Transformative goals then, not only have the potential to impact our lives in a big and positive way, they also bring out the best in us. The value lies in going after the big, ambitious thing, rather than the easier, ordinary thing.

What’s the one goal that, if accomplished, would change everything for you?


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