
The Great Acting Blog: “Question Popular Assumptions”

The Great Acting Blog: “Question Popular Assumptions”


How much is it costing us to believe in sacred cows which are a lie? How much is  that holding us back? To what extent does it hamper our ability to accomplish our career objectives?

To use the smoking example, many smokers may not even begin to attempt to quit because of the perceived difficulty of the task.

On what tasks do we adopt a defeatist stance, where we don’t even bother to make a start, accepting an unsatisfactory status quo instead?

What else is easy that we believe to be difficult?

Which obstacles only exist because we think they do? And what are the benefits of removing this false thinking?

How can we find out which obstructive sacred cows are false and remove them?

To fundamentally question every popular assumption is not only productive, it is essential.


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