
The Great Acting Blog: “Let Your Work Speak For You”

The Great Acting Blog: “Let Your Work Speak For You”

Beware the flamboyant chest beater, all cocky bravado and big mouth. These people behave this way simply to masque their fears, to conceal the fact that they don’t know what they’re doing. They fake confidence by displaying bullishness but the fact is they are insecure about their self-worth.

The ones with true confidence, the ones with true strength, are the ones who focus on their work without fuss. They simply get on with it. They may not seem as friendly or as impressive at first, but they will gradually reveal themselves over time. It’s not that they’re unfriendly or morose especially, but that they let their work speak for them.

The trick is to be that person with true confidence, true strength, the one who knows what they are doing, hard-working and devoid of the need to shore themselves up with false theatricals.

Be that person of substance with concrete skills – with a honed acting technique, skilled in script analysis, and with a set process for their work. The rest will take care of itself – being liked by others or disliked, all that stuff is really out of our hands. Of course strive to treat your colleagues with the respect they deserve, being courteous and friendly, but it shouldn’t be the primary object of your efforts.

Be a serious person, be a person of substance, be someone who lets the excellence of their work speak for them.


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