
The Great Acting Blog: “How Often Do You Say; ‘THAT’S Why I Became An Actor”

The Great Acting Blog: “How Often Do You Say; ‘THAT’S Why I Became An Actor”

Any work is better than no work, right? If you have no aesthetic conscience, then you probably agree with that statement – and if that is so, then it does not matter to you what work you do. And this post is probably not relevant to you.

But if you do have an aesthetic conscience, then here are some questions…

Are you working to enrich yourself or to enrich other people? Or both?

How sustainable is the way that you are managing your career now? How sustainable is the way that you manage yourself and your life?

Where are you going? What trajectory are on?

Are you an actor who constantly works to please others?

Does your time belong to someone else?

Are you working with people who believe that actors are expendable? That you are expendable?

Are you too often working with people you have nothing in common with, or for a director you don’t respect, or on material that doesn’t interest you?

Are you going to give-up your afternoon to attend a meeting for a job you don’t really want?


How often do you do work that you believe in? Where you can stand back and say; THAT’S why I became an actor?



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