
The Great Acting Blog: “Find Out What Needs To Be Improved”

The Great Acting Blog: “Find Out What Needs To Be Improved”

In elite sport, coaches sometimes throw a young, untried player into the first team in order to find out what needs to be improved, and so turn him into the finished article. The coach does not expect the player to be successful at this stage – again, the youngster has been selected simply to find out what needs to be improved. The weaknesses revealed, are not viewed as an affront to the player’s ability or the coach’s judgment, but as the areas the player needs to work on.

Similarly in the creative life. The only way to develop is to try things which we feel are out of our depth. Like the young sportsman, this way our weaknesses will be revealed and we’ll know where the work needs to be done.

Perhaps you’re at the stage where acting has called to you but you haven’t done anything yet, and you’re not sure whether you should trust that voice or not. Well, the way forward is to take action: audition, step on stage or in front of camera, find out what needs improving and improve it. If you keep on working in this way, eventually you’ll make yourself into the actor you want to be.

It doesn’t matter what stage you’re at, or what it is you’re contemplating doing. Jump in at the deep end, find out what needs improving, then get to work.


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