
The Great Acting Blog: “5 Great Artists On Independence And Disobedience”

The Great Acting Blog: “5 Great Artists On Independence And Disobedience”

Think for yourself, have the strength to draw your own conclusions, maintain your independence in a world which increasingly tries to tame us. Stand your ground, never compromise, act with integrity.


“The audience will teach you how to act and the audience will teach you how to write and to direct. The classroom will teach you how to obey, and obedience in the theatre will get you nowhere. It’s a soothing falsity.” – David Mamet

“Resist much, obey little” – Walt Whitman

“If anyone tells you there is only one way, their way, get as far away from them as possible, both physically and philosophically.” – Jim Jarmusch

“They can’t censor the gleam in my eye.” – Charles Laughton

“Not that I’m a complete whore, understand. There are movies I won’t do for any amount. I turned down “Patton” and I turned down “Dirty Harry”. Movies that piss on the world. If I’ve got five bucks in my pocket, I don’t need to make money that way, daddy.” – Robert Mitchum


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